Thursday, February 01, 2007


The Digital Audio Video Experience is a unit which houses a 1.8in hard drive available in either 10GB or 20GB capacities. There is also a USB port. So far so very normal.

Where things get innovative however is in Dave’s other connectivity. The drive sports Bluetooth and WiFi and can be paired with any Bluetooth capable device – be it a phone, PDA or laptop – and act as wireless storage. Once paired the device can navigate Dave as if he were any traditional storage device and transfer files, play media or even perform backups.

Since Dave is designed to be completely independent of your connected devices he is equipped with his own battery (10 hours operation) and even sports a microprocessor to power all his connectivity. As for the dent he’ll make in your pocket, it will be similar to that of a small mobile phone with measurements of 61 x 89 x 12mm and 70g weight.

Interestingly, Seagate won’t be marketing Dave itself but instead negotiating direct with manufacturers in the hope they will bundle him with their handsets.

With an anticipated RRP of around $200 Dave doesn’t come cheap and with memory card capacities increasing exponentially he is surely only a stop gap product. But he’s a cool stop gap product and we wouldn’t want to hurt his feelings.

Look for Dave when he is likely to be rechristened Nokia, Motorola, Samsung or Sony Ericsson around May/June.


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