Thursday, June 21, 2007

Hate people who use Microsoft Office 2007 already ?

The latest Microsoft Office version (2007) displays considerable amount of changes compared to the older versions such as (2000, 2002 or XP and 2003). In older versions the changes were minimum; at least they were not visible to the user.

But in 2007 version, leaving the weird tabbed toolbar aside, a significant change is the new file format which ends with an x. The popular “.doc” extension given for Microsoft Office Word files have now been changed to “.docx”. These new documents are capable of carrying information’s of new functionalities; Office 2007 also offers the facility to Save As a “.doc” file, in which case some content become non-editable but will work on older versions.

However once you start using it you just hit the “ctrl + s” or click on the save icon to save the files and the document automatically gets saved in the latest format which is NOT compatible with the previous versions of Microsoft Office. This annoys lot of people because the majority is still using the previous versions of Microsoft Office.

So if you’re one of those people who get annoyed, Microsoft has come up with a solution for you. They have released Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats. All you have to do is make sure your computer has the latest Windows and Office updates installed. Then simply download this and install, and you’ll be able to continently handle the x problem :D

1 comment:

Sudantha said...

That's a good thing... Personally for me Office 2007 is more user friendlier than the previous versions.