Thursday, December 27, 2007

Not everything goes right even for the mightiest

Well this isn't about a day-to-day happening, its about the world's fastest selling next generation gaming console. Surprised start continued to grow each month and now closing on to break record sales of other consoles. While making other console manufactures life more miserable Nintendo decided to introduce something which others never even dreamed of; whats that?

See, all this time parents had one choice whether to buy a gaming console for their kids or not, but things have changed now its that plus an exercise machine for them. although, the idea was highly innovative as their motion sensing controller; apparently its useless.

In fact it burns lesser amount of calories than a typical Xbox 360, thought it sounds weird because Wii requires people to actually make movements, turns out that it burns only around 60 calories after playing more than an hour. which can easily be gained by having a quarter of a candy bar ... Sigh

1 comment:

Roshan Amadoru said...

1/4 a candy is not always a good example.. ;)... You can easily find giant candy bars with less than 100 calories.. :D